Terms and conditions

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The purpose of this website is to help users find legislation, statutory guidance and other guidance relating to the Single Source Contract Regulations. It is provided for general information purposes only. It is not a substitute for consultation with a qualified professional advisor and we do not make any representation or warranty regarding the accuracy or completeness of the information.

This website is not affiliated with the MOD or the SSRO and has no official status.

Information on this website is sourced from official publications. Errors or ommisions can occur in transcription, or updates made to the source may not be reflected on this site. Always check the original source documents on legislation.gov.uk, ssro.gov.uk, or Knowledge in Defence (KiD).


We may change these terms at any time by amending this page. Please check this page regularly to take notice of any such changes as you will be deemed to accept them through your continued use of this website.


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